Diabetic Neuropathy

According to the American Diabetes Association, one of the most common issues affecting 65-70% of all diabetic patients (type 1 and type 2), is diabetic neuropathy.

Diabetic neuropathy itself manifests in many different forms. The most common is diabetic peripheral neuropathy. It causes burning, stabbing and/or tingling pain in the extremities – arms and legs, hands and feet. Not only extremely painful and debilitating, but can lead to more serious complications as well, including foot ulcers, amputations, heart attacks, digestive problems and an increased number of low blood sugar episodes.

Like diabetes itself, diabetic neuropathy cannot be cured. It can be managed and improved through a variety of gentle physical treatments and basic lifestyle changes. At Northern Colorado Neuropathy Clinic, we take a particular interest in diabetic neuropathy treatment and are devoted to helping each patient discover the treatment plan that works best for them before anything else. Our team, led by Dr. Kellen and Dr. Branden, has the patience and expertise to help any patient to better manage their diabetic neuropathy and live a happier, less painful life on a daily basis.

Do you or a loved one suffer from diabetic neuropathy? If so, call and schedule your exam today.

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