Postsurgical Neuropathic Pain

There are more than 45 million different surgical procedures performed in the United States every year. Most are very successful, but according to AMA up to 10% of patients suffer ongoing pain.

The degree of pain that people may continue to experience may differ for each individual. Postsurgical Neuropathic Pain symptoms vary, but often include burning or stabbing pains, numbness and weakness.

Rather than depend on pain medications to simply mask the pain, many patients suffering from Postsurgical Neuropathic Pain are now choosing to seek alternative treatments for neuropathy. At the Northern Colorado Neuropathy Clinic, we specialize in offering non-invasive, effective treatments that can help relieve the pain and discomfort of Postsurgical Neuropathic Pain and bring lasting relief.

To learn more about the treatments available, call or schedule today.

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