Low Back Pain Treatments

Low Back Pain (LBP) is one of the most commonly reported ailments in the USA today. The Global Burden of Disease report LBP is the leading cause of disability worldwide. It is estimated that 31 million Americans report suffering from some form of LBP every year.

There are many causes of LBP. Some relate directly to damage or inefficiency of the nerves and nervous system in the lower back, these conditions are classified as neuropathic pain. This often results in stabbing and burning pain, numbness and a decreased range of movement in general.

Rather than rely on strong, potentially addictive pain medications to manage pain, find relief with safe, non-invasive neuropathy treatment. At the Northern Colorado Neuropathy Clinic our team puts their expertise in treating neuropathies of all kinds, including LBP related neuropathy.

To learn more about neuropathic treatments for Low Back Pain, call or schedule today.

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